Severity of peripheral neuropathy, in different domains, in type II diabetic patients

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Liliana Avidos
Alexandra Magalhães
Maria Begoña Criado
Assunção Nogueira


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic degenerative disease that can significantly impact both life expectancy and quality of life among affected populations, primarily by disrupting metabolic control and exacerbating disease complications. Objective: To assess the severity of neuropathy across four domains (pain, loss of sensation, postural instability, and depression) in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational, and qualitative study The study population comprised diabetic individuals attending outpatient clinics for diabetic foot care at Hospital de S. João - Unidade de Valongo and Centro Hospitalar do Alto Ave in Guimarães. Variables included gender, age, type and duration of diabetes, neuropathic characteristics, balance, dependency/independence, and depression. Results: Regarding neuropathy severity, most diabetic patients exhibited loss of sensation and moderate pain, with no apparent postural instability or depression. However, both instability and depression were observed when neuropathic signs were present. Conclusions: The presence of neuropathic signs was associated with increased postural instability, reduced functionality, and a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms. Furthermore, a positive relationship was observed between pain severity and depressive symptomatology.

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How to Cite
Avidos, L., Magalhães, A., Begoña Criado, M. ., & Nogueira, A. (2024). Severity of peripheral neuropathy, in different domains, in type II diabetic patients. REVISTA IBERO-AMERICANA DE PODOLOGIA, 6(1), E0712024 - 1.
Author Biographies

Liliana Avidos, Northern Polytechnic Health Institute. Vale do Ave Higher School of Health. Department of Health Sciences

Principal Adjunct Professor at the IPSN. Vale do Ave School of Health. Department of Health Sciences. Coordinator of the Gerontology laboratory of the Artificial Intelligence and Health research center: IA &Saúde.

Alexandra Magalhães, Polytechnic Institute of Health North 

Degree in Podiatry from the IPSN. Master’s in clinical podiatry. Podiatrist in private clinical centers and Podiatrist in public health units.

Maria Begoña Criado, Northern Polytechnic Health Institute. Vale do Ave Higher School of Health. Department of Health Sciences

Principal Adjunct Professor at IPSN. Vale do Ave School of Health. Member of the Gerontology laboratory of the Artificial Intelligence and Health research center: IA&Saúde.

Assunção Nogueira, Northern Polytechnic Health Institute. Vale do Ave Higher School of Health. Department of Health Sciences

Adjunct Professor at IPSN. Vale do Sousa School of Health. Department of Health Sciences. Member of the Gerontology laboratory of the Artificial Intelligence and Health research center: IA&Saúde


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