Educação em saúde como medida preventiva na redução de riscos e complicações dos pés do paciente com Diabetes Mellitus

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Soraya Reis Dornelas
Valeska de Mello Pincer
Christiana Vargas Ribeiro


DM is a chronic disease that consists of a metabolic disorder resulting from the absence or insufficiency of insulin in the body, characterized by hyperglycemia. The persistent high glycemic level causes several complications, from chronic wounds and infections to lower limb amputations. The objective of this research was to demonstrate the importance of health education to the patient, to describe the performance of the multidisciplinary team in the application of educational actions and preventive measures to minimize damage and complications of the risk foot and the role of the patient and their families in the self-care process. An exploratory literature review was carried out in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), using the LILACS and SciELO databases, with reference to the period from 2015 to 2022, in Portuguese and English. Some studies have shown qualitative gains in self-care, in the humanization of care and in the quality of life of patients. It was possible to conclude that there is evidence that the interaction between the health professional and the patient with diabetes can favor changes in behavior, as long as the language is adapted by the professional.

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How to Cite
Reis Dornelas, S. ., de Mello Pincer, V. ., & Ribeiro, C. V. (2023). Educação em saúde como medida preventiva na redução de riscos e complicações dos pés do paciente com Diabetes Mellitus. REVISTA IBERO-AMERICANA DE PODOLOGIA, 5(1), E0682023 - 1.
Author Biography

Christiana Vargas Ribeiro, Instituto Educacional São Camilo

Instituto Educacional São Camilo


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