Un Estudio Observacional de la eficacia del bloqueo anestésico en el primer dedo del pie utilizando la Técnica V Invertida: Un procedimiento innovador Estudio Observacional de la eficacia del bloqueo anestésico en el primer dedo del pie utilizando la Técnica V Invertida: Un procedimiento innovador

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Sergi Sánchez
Mireya Gordedo Silva





Introduction: In podiatric clinical practice, surgery of the first toe's nail has experienced a significant increase, and various surgical techniques have been described to address pathologies such as onychocryptosis and excision of small tumors. Among the anesthetic blockade techniques, the "H of Frost" is the most commonly used by the majority of podiatrists. However, a new technique called the "Inverted V" has recently emerged, which is less known but shows promising results.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to introduce the "Inverted V" anesthetic blockade technique and demonstrate its efficacy for surgery of the first toe's nail. This technique is characterized by requiring a single puncture on the dorsal side of the toe, in contrast to the "H of Frost" technique, which involves two puncture sites.

Patients and Methods: An observational study was conducted over a period of 5 years (February 2017 - February 2022) at a public university hospital and private clinics near Barcelona, Spain. The study included 123 patients of both sexes who presented pathology in the first toe's nail and required surgical treatment. The variables considered were the patient's sex/gender, the affected foot (right or left), and the time of onset of the anesthetic effect in the first toe's nail at 10, 15, and 20 minutes after the anesthetic blockade.

Results: The results obtained showed that the mean age of the patients was 47.81 years, with 68 men and 55 women. The left foot was the most affected in 50,4 % of cases. Regarding the onset of anesthetic effects, it was observed that, at 10 minutes after the anesthetic infiltration, 69.9% of patients had a fully anesthetized toe, and at 20 minutes, the percentage increased to 87.8%.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the "Inverted V" anesthetic blockade technique is an efficient alternative to the "H of Frost" technique for surgery of the first toe's nail. The "Inverted V" technique showed a rapid onset of anesthetic effects, making it a viable option for surgical procedures in this area. These findings promise to expand the range of available options in podiatric clinical practice and improve the experience of patients undergoing surgery of the first toe's nail.

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How to Cite
Sánchez, S., & Gordedo Silva, M. . (2024). Un Estudio Observacional de la eficacia del bloqueo anestésico en el primer dedo del pie utilizando la Técnica V Invertida: Un procedimiento innovador: Estudio Observacional de la eficacia del bloqueo anestésico en el primer dedo del pie utilizando la Técnica V Invertida: Un procedimiento innovador. REVISTA IBERO-AMERICANA DE PODOLOGIA, 5(1), E0702023 - 1. https://doi.org/10.36271/iajp.v5i1.70


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