Efficacy of physiotherapeutic treatments: Hydrotherapy and kinesiotherapy for osteoarthritis of hip and knee: Review of literature

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Marina Branco
Kessiane Barros
Alexandre Sabbag Silva


Osteoarthrosis is a degenerative joint disease very common in the elderly population and is associated with joint stiffness, pain, limitations, progressive deformities and loss of function. Objective: to find in the literature scientific evidence on the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic treatments: hydrotherapy and kinesiotherapy for osteoarthrosis of the hip and knee. Literature review. Method: The search was carried out in the databases Pubmed, Medline, Lilacs, SciELO and PEDro. The keywords were used: Hydrotherapy, Kinesiotherapy, Exercises, Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis, Physical Therapy linked to the terms AND or OR, in Portuguese, English. To verify the quality of the selected studies, the abstracts were read to see which fit within the proposed theme. Results: A total of 150 studies were found from the electronic search, of which only 19 met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed in their entirety. The analysis of the methodological quality of the 19 included studies made it possible to classify 18 of them as of high methodological quality. With respect to the intervention, methods and delineations contained in the studies, there was a wide variation, but with effective results, and in most of the articles an improvement in was observed. Conclusion: It was concluded that. The gain of muscle strength with physical exercise is better and compared in water. Hydrotherapeutic treatment, however, requires more studies that guide parameters such as: intensity, duration, so that the treatment is more reliable.

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How to Cite
Branco, M., Barros, K. ., & Silva, A. S. . (2020). Efficacy of physiotherapeutic treatments: Hydrotherapy and kinesiotherapy for osteoarthritis of hip and knee: Review of literature. REVISTA IBERO-AMERICANA DE PODOLOGIA, 2(2), 219 - 229. https://doi.org/10.36271/iajp.v2i2.37


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