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Leprosy is an infectious and contagious disease, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, with importance in public health because it generates motor and sensory disabilities to the affected individual, requiring multidisciplinary intervention. Dated from 4.300 a.C, it is diagnosed by means of a neurological dermatological exam and treated according to the forms presented, using protocols recommended by the World Health Organization. Due to the compromise generated, this study aims to establish updated therapeutic alternatives that favor reintegration. of leprosy patients in society and public health policies to prevent complications. For this, a qualitative bibliographic search was carried out with several databases and official websites. Chiropody care in the care of leprosy patients, after clinical evaluation and neuropathic tests, is essential to reduce the risks of amputation, as well as the appropriate treatment of injuries. However, even in view of the several advances in the therapies used, the eradication of the disease was not yet possible, requiring multidisciplinary monitoring, with emphasis on podiatry, aiming at promoting improvement in the clinical condition of the affected.
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