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Rafael Terezani De Godoy
Angelica Castilho Alonso
Alexandre Evangelista


Aging brings several physiological and functional declines, however, when these decreases are accentuated, a trigger for fragility is ignited, a situation that can drastically affect the quality of life of the elderly. The frail elderly has a decrease in muscle strength, an increased risk of falls, hospitalizations and institutionalizations. The objective of this review is to verify scientific productions on the importance and influence of physical exercise on the frailty of the elderly. 48 articles were selected from Pubmed and Lilacs databases, after duplication filtering, reading the title, summary and relevance of seven articles were selected for consideration. It was concluded that the exercise comes as a tool to prevent and / or regress the situation of frailty, preventing if the elderly is still in good conditions, and regressing the degree of frailty in cases of frail and pre-frail elderly.

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How to Cite
Terezani De Godoy, R. ., Castilho Alonso, A. ., & Evangelista, A. . (2020). PHYSICAL EXERCISE IN FRAGILITY SYNDROME: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. REVISTA IBERO-AMERICANA DE PODOLOGIA, 2(2), 206 - 212.


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