Level of physical activity and sedentary behavior of Brazilian podiatry professionals

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Objective: to evaluate the level of physical activity and sedentary behavior of Brazilian podiatry professionals. Methods: 103 podiatrists of both sexes participated in the study, where 96 were women and 7 men, who underwent an assessment of sedentary behavior, level of physical activity and body composition. Statistical analysis: the data description was expressed as mean and standard deviation and the program used was the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences - version 20.0 (SPSS). Results: the professionals who participated in the research work an average of more than 9 hours a day, suggesting a long professional journey, in relation to the Physical Activity Level (NAF), the subjects evaluated were 80.39% insufficiently active and 19, 61% active and it was observed that the evaluated subjects spend 7.52 (± 3.50) hours sitting during the weekdays and 5.44 (± 3.24) hours of the day on the weekend. Conclusion: it was observed that podiatrists in Brazil do not comply with the recommendation of physical activity proposed by WHO and that the evaluated were exposed to excessive sedentary behavior.

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How to Cite
Coutinho, A., Bega, A., Farias, K., de Azevedo, M. ., Matsudo, V. ., & Regina de Oliveira, B. (2020). Level of physical activity and sedentary behavior of Brazilian podiatry professionals. REVISTA IBERO-AMERICANA DE PODOLOGIA, 2(1), 152. https://doi.org/10.36271/iajp.v2i1.27


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