Ortonixia. Mechanisms of recovery of alterations of the nail plate

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Ortonixia is an area of ​​Orthopodology that functionally supports the professional, due to the small or large changes that can be achieved in the morphology of altered nail plates in patients. Since the beginning of the information and documentation on human march, the fingers have been an important part of the study and its disorders as well. Through a timeline recapitulation of the techniques used by different authors, we can observe, not only their morphological recovery, but also the functional comfort that they can generate in patient experience. Referring to a range of authors and institutions, from different parts of the world, who want to help and improve specific painful disorders, coinciding over time in seeking and achieving methodological and/or therapeutic options with recovery goals, we can observe the concordance or coincidences thereof. The materials to be tested and used were from plastics, acrylics, resins, metals, elastic latex bands, polyesters, glass fibers and combinations between them to obtain modifications or recoveries in the traumatic morphologies of the nail plates of those affected; are exact due to hereditary genetic factors, endogenous due to developed or acquired deforming pathologies, exogenous due to postural alterations, consequences of sports or cultural disciplines, as well as aggressive or inappropriate clothing (footwear, safety boots with steel tips, sports boots in general , high heels, etc.). In situ, non-surgical, bloodless and transitory application techniques that, if well selected, achieved a more than satisfactory recovery for the patients.

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How to Cite
G. Sampietro, O. . (2019). Ortonixia. Mechanisms of recovery of alterations of the nail plate. REVISTA IBERO-AMERICANA DE PODOLOGIA, 1(2), 69 - 76. https://doi.org/10.36271/iajp.v1i2.15


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